Several Tips for Selling a Home

Selling an Austin, Texas home requires much preparation before it can be put on the market. Just because the homeowner does not like some of its features, however, does not mean they need to be replaced. One of the first things to do is to consult an Austin real estate agent. They know the market trends and what types of improvements will help a home sell and what will increase its value.

Make basic repairs that are noticeable with a home tour. Walk around the Austin house with a toolbox filled with screwdrivers, wrenches and a hammer. Tighten railings and fix squeaky doors. Any ridged or torn flooring should be repaired. Tighten any leaky faucets and make sure all electrical outlets are in working order.

Clean all surfaces in the home from top to bottom. This includes carpets. Rent a shampoo machine or hire a professional company. Remove cobwebs and dust bunnies. Use a bug bomb to get rid of any pests, such as ants or spiders. Wash the windows, doors and cabinets. Clean out the closets. They are not a place to hide junk, as people will look in them. Put away anything that is not in use. Get rid of or put in storage any items that will not be used before the home is sold. This might include holiday decorations, children's games and extra furniture.

Having nice new floor or appliances might be nice, but is often unnecessary. If the appliances do not convey and will be moving with the sellers, be sure they will fit and work in the new home. Choose something that will coordinate with both homes. If the appliances do convey, consider whether they really need to be replaced and, if so, how much really needs to be spent on them. Keep in mind that the only renovations that are cost-effective in increasing home value are normally the bathroom and kitchen. Countertops and floors are the most likely items that need to be replaced.

Spruce up the home's exterior. Pressure wash the outside and clean up the yard. Mow the lawn, trim the bushes and remove any dangling branches. Clean the gutters and fix any noticeable damage to fences, mailboxes and lampposts. Any vehicles, furniture or tires should be disposed of before showing the property. Sheds and garages should have working doors that can be locked. Be sure the house number and for sale sign are always visible from the street.